This is a special bonus episode of A Time to Thrill! I’m so excited that Poisoned is out! This is the ninth title in the Casey Cort series and it’s a good one. Justin and Casey are up against it. Strohmeyer has been Casey’s nemesis since 1996 and now she’s face to face with the very people and very law firm that ended her big firm career path before it could even get started. It’s available wherever you get your ebooks!
Amazon: http://ebooks.buzz/poisonedamz
Kobo: http://ebooks.buzz/poisonedkobo
Nook: http://ebooks.buzz/poisonedbn
Apple: http://ebooks.buzz/poisonedappl
Also I’ve got interviews in the bank! Coming up on the podcast are authors, Kim Golden, Lisa Hughey, R.H. Herron, and Theodora Taylor. I can’t wait for you to hear my conversations with these amazing women authors.